Preparing for your first or second interview with Resilience Inc? Congratulations on this first step and way to get ahead of the game and do your homework! Because we want you to ace this preliminary introduction and be at ease in the interview, we’ve created this “prep” page to help you put your best foot forward. Here’s the scoop on interviewing with Collierville’s fastest-growing marketing and sales firm.

What To Wear (We appreciate suits & style):

  • Men: we recommend a blazer or suit jacket, button-down shirt, tie, slacks or suit pants, and dress shoes.
  • Women: we recommend a skirt or pantsuit with a blouse or button-down shirt and closed-toe shoes.

Etiquette Tips (Because you get 1 chance to make a first impression):

  • Turn your cell phone volume off
  • Shake your interviewer’s hand firmly and thank them for their time
  • Have great eye contact and smile like you’re not nervous (haha)
  • Arrive 5-15 minutes early, but not earlier
  • Bring a notepad & pen to take notes
  • Do your homework by visiting the company’s social media sites

Most importantly, relax, know that you wouldn’t be invited in for an interview if we didn’t believe yourΒ skill sets match what we’re looking for, so come ready to talk about yourself and how you can benefit the organization!

For more interview tips, check out our Pinterest!